How to enable Firebase real-time database.
Here, we will learn, How to enable a real-time database Firebase Console.
Let’s start😊
Create your database on the Firebase console.
Follow the steps below.
- Go to the Firebase console and log in.
- Find the product category (left side panel) and click on real-time database in the build section.
- You will see a Create Database button. click on the button.
4. You will see a panel to select the database location. The database location should be nearest to us, so I selected Singapore (Asia). Then click on the Next button.
5. There you will see two types of security for a database. 1. Lock Mode 2. Test Mode. Lock mode is private mode, we need to change the security rules. Test mode is public for 30 days, no need to change the security rule while setup but it is necessary to change the rule within 30 days. We will go with Lock Mode but later we will change the rules. Click on the enable button.
6. Change the security rules.
Before screenshot
After screenshot
You just need to change the value of read and write false to true. When you will change the rules you will see a publish button. It is necessary to click on the Publish button to publish your change. Now anyone can add, remove, update, and get data from a database that has access to it. Now your database is ready.
Thanks🙏 for reading the article.