#.You have to follow some steps to create project.
- Open your Android Studio first.
You can see this screen
- You will see + Create New Project in rectangle.
- And click on this and you will find a new screen.
- Now you can see there are many templets and we need to select Empty Activity for a Empty Project.
- After that click on Next button bellow .
- Than you can see one more screen Configure Your Project.
- You can see in this screen there are more section like.
Name, Package name, Save location Language and Minimum SDK.
# In Name Section , You can edit your Project name.
# Package name will be automatic created according to your project name and you can change it also.
# In Save Location section , can give a path of your project , where your project will be save.
# Language section has two options 1. Java and 2. Kotlin.
And I am going to create a project with kotlin language that why i have selected Kotlin in this.
#And last Section Minimum SDK, You should select the minimum sdk to support your app in maximum device (Mobile phone).
In My case I have been selected API 16: Android 4.1 ( Jelly Bean),Which can support in 98.8% of device
- Than click on Finish button to create your editor platform.
- It will take some time and after that your project will be ready .
I hope it will useful
Thanks :)